Jan, 2025
Poly((R)-3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) is a microbial biopolymer widely used in commercial biodegradable plastics. PHB degradation in cell is catalyzed by PHB depolymerase (PhaZ), which hydrolyzes the polyester into mono- and/or oligomeric (R)-3-hydroxylbutyrates (3HB). A novel intracellular PhaZ from Bacillus thuringiensis (BtPhaZ) was identified for potential applications in polymer biodegradation...
Dec, 2024
Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of different treatment intensities (TIs) in patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC). Methods: The study assessed newly diagnosed, non-metastatic NPC patients from the Taiwan Cancer Registry between 2010 and 2017. TIs were divided into four groups: TI1 [radiotherapy (RT) alone or induction chemotherapy (IC) followed by RT); TI2 (...
Dec, 2024
Introduction: The population of Taiwan has a long history of ethno-cultural evolution. The Taiwanese population was isolated from other large populations such as the European, Han Chinese, and Japanese population. The Taiwan Biobank (TWB) project has built a nationwide database, particularly for personal whole-genome sequence (WGS) to facilitate basic and clinical collaboration nationally and...
Nov, 2024
Lung cancer is the most common cause of cancer mortality globally, and the prevalence of lung adenocarcinoma (LUAD), the most common lung cancer subtype, has increased sharply in East Asia. Early diagnosis leads to better survival rates, but this requires an improved understanding of the molecular changes during early tumorigenesis, particularly in non-smokers. Here, we performed whole exome-...
Oct, 2024
Cancer prognosis requires precision to identify high-risk patients and improve survival outcomes. Conventional methods struggle with the complexity of genetic biomarkers and diverse medical data. Our study uses deep learning to distil high-dimensional medical data into low-dimensional feature vectors exploring shared patterns across cancer types. We developed a multi-task bimodal neural network...
Oct, 2024
Current genome-wide association studies (GWAS) for kidney function lack ancestral diversity, limiting the applicability to broader populations. The East-Asian population is especially under-represented, despite having the highest global burden of end-stage kidney disease. We conducted a meta-analysis of multiple GWASs (n = 244,952) on estimated glomerular filtration rate and a replication dataset...
Oct, 2024
Ovarian clear cell carcinoma (OCCC) has a high incidence in Asia, with a frequent occurrence at an early stage, but without sufficient data on molecular stratification for high-risk patients. Recently, immune-hot features have been proposed as indicators of poor prognosis in early stage OCCC. Specific patterns of intratumoral heterogeneity associated with immune-hot features must be defined...
Oct, 2024
Cellular bioenergetics and mitochondrial dynamics are crucial for the secretion of insulin by pancreatic beta cells in response to elevated levels of blood glucose. To elucidate the interactions between energy production and mitochondrial fission/fusion dynamics, we combine live-cell mitochondria imaging with biophysical-based modeling and graph-based network analysis. The aim is to determine the...
Oct, 2024
Leaves of the carnivorous sundew plants (Drosera spp.) secrete mucilage that hosts microorganisms, but whether this microbiota contributes to prey digestion is unclear. We identified the acidophilic fungus Acrodontium crateriforme as the dominant species in the mucilage microbial communities, thriving in multiple sundew species across the global range. The fungus grows and sporulates on sundew...
Sep, 2024
Over the past decade, genome-wide association studies have identified thousands of variants significantly associated with complex traits. For each locus, gene expression levels are needed to further explore its biological functions. To address this, the PrediXcan algorithm leverages large-scale reference data to impute the gene expression level from single nucleotide polymorphisms, and thus the...
CSB Faculty Drive Innovation in Nature Portfolio’s Communications Biology
臺大計算與系統生物學研究中心副主任 陳倩瑜教授 與中心成員 黃韻如教授 & 林建達助理教授 擔任 Editorial Board Members for Communications Biology 榮登 NTU BEATS。
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2024 SMBE臺灣區域會議:演化基因體與生物資訊學 圓滿落幕
臺大計算與系統生物學研究中心與臺灣演化與計算生物學會首次在臺灣舉辦的 「2024 SMBE臺灣區域會議:演化基因體與生物資訊學」 圓滿落幕,提高臺灣在演化基因體與生物資訊學的國際聲望。
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中心副主任 陳倩瑜教授接受 Nature 旗下知名期刊 Communication Biology 訪談,分享她由一名半導體工程師出身,轉換跑道並成為一名傑出的計算生物學家的心路歷程。陳教授專長為機器學習與人工智慧,並聚焦於多體學相關研究。在訪談中,陳教授除了對計算生物學的發展趨勢,提出她的看法,並針對有志於跨入計算生物學研究的年輕學者給予寶貴的建議。歡迎點擊以下連結觀閱訪談全文:
2024-05-23 阮雪芬主任-113年台大社會服務優良獎
2022-07-12 阮雪芬老師研究室誠徵博士後研究員
2022-01-24 2022年寒假高中生生物資訊營第二梯次與第三梯次停辦。
2021-12-01 2022年寒假高中生生物資訊營,報名延長至12月23日,欲參加者請儘速報名
2021-11-27 生命科學系-系統生物學領域專長說明會報名開放中,歡迎踴躍參加
2024-05-06 【Workshop】2024/05/22 MetaCore/MetaDrug 教學工作坊
2024-04-08 【Workshop】2024/04/24 IPA workshop
Comming soon~